Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Thanks for listening to me rant, bitch, complain.
It's good to know that I can do all that and still manage to make you laugh.
I've never said bitch so much in my life.
"Bitch is gonna break his fall."
Anyways, this evening was a calmer way to end a stressful day.
With everything going on, it's hard to catch up.
I'm glad we did this, and I'm glad I was able to be completely open to you about everything.
-Old "flames" LOL.
and then talking about how "Talk to Me" came out when we were in elementary school and how we had the slight obsession of "Final Fantasy" characters...
...like damn, this friendship has been going on for time.
I can't believe everything we've been through.
From fighting over how you didn't know who Beyonce was, to driving behind some sloth and then making an effort to cuss out the window only because we finally have a reason for road rage and can actually drive now...We really have made it quite the distance.

Think of life as if we're at the lake..
Even though there aren't any sharks, I'd still look after you as if there were any ;)


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