Monday, May 31, 2010

So it kind of goes like this:

You're a fucking waste.

Tie you up, and throw you the hell out.
2 inches only lasts 2 minutes anyways.
And you wonder why I forget about manners and talk down to you.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My mentality is still Skins>Slumdog
and curses to the individual who wanted to watch this movie and made me want to watch season two of skins for a third weekend in a row.

"I've never heard of purple bristol board"

If there's one thing I've learned from grade 12 is that you really really really don't need to do a lot of things to guarantee you and your friends a good time.
Of all things to do on a Saturday night in May, we did our homework.
Why not?
Why not take something ugly and make it beautiful?
Why not make a night out of it?
That's what we did. Projects & CA's will honestly be the death of me. Thank goodness we decided to do work instead of partying.
It was definitely worth it because I would've got nothing done.
Thanks for the motivation and the 2 am Slumdog Millionaire session.
I now have an appreciation for it :)
Goodnight, sleep tight, good friends.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Harsh? Barely.

It's sad that you're blind and oblivious.
Maybe your just don't give a fuck, but I give a fuck,
And I refuse to be treated this way.
Years wasted, time wasted, love wasted.
Regret unfortunately lingers,
but I'll live through it if it means getting past you.

Prom's in one week...

...I hate you, you fucking douche-faced pansy bitch fuck.


-Religion CA
-Study for Religion quiz
-Study for Calculus quiz
-Clean my room
-Pick an outfit for Focus night
It's 8. Wah.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Stop acting like you're five years old.
Man up. Grow a pair.
Face the facts and stop running away from them.
You're more annoying than I am.
You think that I'd run back to that?
I'm looking for one thing, and once I get it, adios.
Because there's no way in hell that I would go back to that.
You say I killed it? No. You killed it. You ran this FRIENDSHIP over and over and over again with the car that you can't drive because you don't even have your G1.
Wow, I hate you so much right now.
Give me what I'm asking for, take a long look, and goodbye.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


What a lovely day;
Sun shining, French bulldogs, cold drinks, long boards, card stock, tissue paper & textured paper, picking flowers, receipts, third legs, long walks, ice cream, Lady Gaga, Justin Bobby, Jake Gyllenhal.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Other than the fact that I look like Ke$ha,
I also look
Someone hold me I'm about to cry.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

with the shoes obv.
Is it weird that I find belonging in a Chinese supermarket?

I've come to an agreement with myself that I'm going to let you go.
I am going to try and forget you this summer because life has so much more in store than just you.
No offence, but you're like my braces.
First of all, you`re gross.
..jokes. anyways...
I have you now, but once theyre off (once you're off), I'm going to be a new person.
I'm going to feel different, I'm going to be different.
From then on, there will be no turning back and fact of the matter is, I don't want to go back.
That day we promised for lunch...on that day you're going to see a new person.
Hopefully you'll change to, because right now, who you are, in my eyes, is someone standing still.
You say you live in the moment, but you keep going back to who you were.
Be someone else for a change.
GIVE A SHIT for once. Grow up and meet your potential.
Because right now, you're floating. You're only going where ever the wind takes you.
Create your own damn path and go somewhere.
This summer is going to change me and I hope it changes you too.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Come here rude boy, can you get it up?

He thinks that just because he's Valedictorian,
he can do wuheva he wants -_-

May 20th; Time Well Spent.

So today was actually a very successful day.
Starting with first period, although it was helluh long, I was glad that I was able to get a crap ton of studying done. Especially since I had a calculus test the next period, which wasn't too too too bad.
Even though the rest of my school day kind of felt like a waste, the events occuring from period five onward definitely made this day pretty spectacular.
Walking to Patricks was HILARIOUS because Craig is the biggest pansy arm flailer I have ever met. LOL. It was kind of a pointless walk, but atleast it was fun.
(+Solving crosswords? Impossible.)
After that, we went to Craig's for a little barbeque shindig. It was quaint, but we all enjoyed each other's company.
Thanks guys for all the food contributions, it was delish :)
(+thanks to the lady at Metro, the writing on the cake was perfect...ish bahahah <3 )
Golf.....that was
LOL, we're all pro golfers. Best $24 spent!
Trampolining at Christine's was honestly one of the most difficult/life threatening things I've ever done.
Who knew it would be so hard to fall on your back and pop back up on your feet?
It's pretty damn hard, and I WILL accomplish this so I can get on the Olivia/Olivia level ;)

Thank you friends for the great time today.
Hopefully there will be some 2-4 weekend spent together <3

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Melanie Hong:
3rd Place in Provincial Skills Canada Competition

Craig Pacheco:
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Valedictorian of the Graduating Class of 2010

Olivia Harris:
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Salutatorian of the Graduating Class of 2010

Patrick Costello:
Acceptance at Waterloo for Engineering

Congrats to all my lovely friends on this lovely day in May.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

That girl,

Oh girly, you were amazing tonight.
You really really really made me proud :')
Trust me, you went beyond my expectations tonight
and even made me tear during your routine.
You really are such a beautiful talented person,
and you've definitely proved yourself with your two acts.
Never doubt yourself ever ever ever again,
because you outdid a lot of acts tonight.
Idgaf about anyone in the crowd who told me to shut the hell up.
Like, that's my best friend up there shaking her thang so you can just sit right back down and shut up.

Monday, May 17, 2010


    • Accounting Notes...ha.
    • Thesis and Research for Religion CA....come on group, noggins together
    • Finish Accounting CA....soon so I can essentially loaft longer
    • WORK...not. Superstore ain't so generous anymore.
    • Pay Acceptance Fee...$500 begone!
    • Shoot Carmies....wah.
    • Finish Interlocking....................................MADDEST LOAFT.

Make that 5/6

Laurier just accepted me.


Goodness gracious, I got into the York-Sheridan Design Program.
This is ridiculous and I might just cry.
Someone out there wants me!

Valedictory Campaign's Got Talent!

The shirts were a hit!
Craig was so surprised and I think a little creeped out by the fact that his face was on the chest of many people....mostly girls.
Seriously loving the support we all have for each other.
It's quite cute.
Next stop: Dynamic and MC Costello.

Good luck tomorrow, but I'm sure you all won't need it :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


You'll thank us later,

He's my boyfriend.

All Things Grow

What a night.
Definitely not a typical night since I don't really hang around these losers as often :)
But nonetheless it was a good night.
I know I was debating whether to go or not,
and I'm sorry that I even doubted your guys' company.
I'm really glad I decided to go.
We succeeded in the game plan...or atleast one of us did.
It was nice to get updated and all that aswell.
You guys turned from strangers to brothers,
And I'm happy to know that you both will always be there for me,
no matter where we are next year.
Battle scars, woo!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Champagne Supernova

How many special people change?
How many lives are living strange?
Slowly walking down the hall,
Faster than a cannonball.

Someday you will find me,
Caught beneath the landslide.
In a champagne supernova in the sky.

Wake up the dawn and ask her why.
A dreamer dreams she never dies.
Wipe that tear away now from your eye...

For Craig, with love.

Friday, May 14, 2010



Your Reckless Heart, You Know You Got It.

I`m starting to think that I was wrong.
This is starting to fluctuate.
It`s like I need you when it`s raining, but when the sun is shining, I feel like I can forget this happened.
I don`t know what I`m supposed to do, say, think, feel, act.
I think you`re moving on just fine... don`t need me.
I see you succeeding without my help.
I see that I succeeded with your help.
What the hell is even going on?
I'm telling myself to move forward,
but someone's hitting my rewind button.
Please be nice and ease up off of it...
Let me go on day by day, gradually getting used to it all.
You don't want to be around,
and I'm sorry if I'm forcing this on you...
Maybe I'll just go away
and let you breathe.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Layout...I`m really getting tired of all the Italicizedness already.

Turns Me to Gold in the Sunlight...

You made a deal, and now it seems you have to offer up
But will it ever be enough
It's not enough
And in the spring I shed my skin
And it blows away with the changing wind
The waters turn from blue to red
As towards the sky I offer it...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Split Ends.

We always thought about things different ways,
You wanted left, and I wanted right.
We always argued over the littlest things,
You wanted to sleep, I wanted to talk.
We never knew where this relationship was going,
You wanted to stay, I wanted to leave...or vice versa.
We never took the time to see each other,
You weren`t willing, I wasn`t available.
We never came to a conclusion,
Until now.

For once in our relationship we agree on something.
And for once,
I`m glad.
You`re glad.
This isn`t the end...
Well for our friendship anyways.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I`m Moving On...

...And I can happily say that I`m doing just fine :)
To my friends that showed me that they cared,
To the ones that answered my 1-3am phone calls,
To the ones that asked if I was okay,
To the ones that are always there,
thank you.
You all honestly mean the world to me, and I don`t know what I would do without you guys.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I miss you, so sue me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Debut (pr. Day-boo, not Dee-butt)

As I sit here eating my apple pie,
I begin to reminisce about my night last night.

Nicolette's debut was small, cozy, and initmate.
There didn't need to be so many people.
For once in a really long time, I think that our group of friends were comfortable.
Like Nico said in her speech, we haven't spent a lot of time together this year.
Fact is, I barely know some of them anymore.
It's a shame that we're all different people from the youngins we were almost 4 years ago.
It's a shame that some of us haven't spoken a word to each other in months.
Last night was a fun night and it sort of made up for the past months.
Maybe we didn't talk for long, but it's better than not saying anything at all.
The speeches, the dancing, the food, and of course the occasion, created a perfect atmosphere for a get together.
Maybe even call it a "catch-up" period.
We were all together, all dressed up, all looking pretty to celebrate one of our friends.
We agreed to go, we agreed to cater to the occasion, and we agreed to stick together for one night.
I know it's been a while, but it was nice to see everyone again.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What now?

I don't know.
What else is there to do?
I've spilt my heart out a dozen times, and you've refused to absorb the majority of it.
You hear me, but you don't hear me.
Listen to what I'm telling you.
Please, for once, just open yourself up to me as if your life depended on it.
I've always been here, so why can't you be here just this once?
Where's that shoulder you promised me even if things didn't work out?
You said that it would always be there, but where is it now?
Would you let me lean towards nothing?
Would you let me hit my head on the floor even though you said you would be there to hold me up?
Don't lie to me.
Don't just leave me here to soak in my sadness.
I'm past the point of absorption.
I'm trying to forget, but still remember.
If you won't do it for me, do it for us and what we had.
Make your decision prove that it wasn't a waste of time, energy, and emotion.
Please say yes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Soon was four days ago.

It's true when they say that you never know what you've got until it's gone.
You fuck up one little thing and then your whole world changes.
At first you feel warmth, happniess, wholeness.
By the end you feel guilt, regret, emptiness.
What now?
Where do we go from here?
Where do I go from here?
I'm sorry I pushed you over the edge, past your point.
I blinded you from how I truly felt and just sent you into a rage.
One screaming, heated rage.
I guess there's no turning back now.
But what about later?
What about turning back later?
Who knows. I'm lost, you're found.
You had too many things going on and you needed to cut out something.
I was that something.
I was disposable, we were disposable.
I'm sorry you felt that way,
and I'm sorry to myself for still feeling this way.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hilarious and irrelvant i swear.