Friday, April 30, 2010

"Mess With the Bull, and You Get the Horns."

-The Breakfast Club

So someone thought that it'd be hilarious to spray water under my chair, and humiliate me in front of my calc. class.

and I reply, *middle finger*.

This creaminess is getting a tad ridiculous, but it really gets the creative juices flowing.

I'm honestly scared shitless for the next time I see you,
but I still don't regret teepee-ing your car.

The war continues, but it's all out of love.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


15 Love

Ridiculous visors
Twirling/Jumping/Reaching/Failing miserably
Sun burns/Sun tans
White T's/Navy bottoms
Christine's "husband"
Rotten bananas
"So I think I'm just going to walk to school....again....yepp, kbai."
Peonies / Lilacs
Role play "Hi Craiggy"
The Plan.
The Practice (4 pages back and front?).
The Execution.
....the let down.
We're going to Sheridan!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rikkuh Ay-Ay.

Floral print + my bittie for real= (L)
Happy Birthday Love!

Stank like vinegar.

I actually think we're cute.

Makes Your Heart....

Like honestly, if you can't make up some catchy slogan yourself,
then don't call yourself a designer.
Call yourself a joke, and get a 45%.
I'm so sick of you and your intollerance for easy tasks.
Grow a pair or gtfo.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lowther to McCaul

...takes about 20-25 minutes to walk.
We're going to need to invest in bikes, bike baskets, bike locks, umbrella hats, ponchos and rubber boots.

The shopping list:
-2 twin beds
-2 desks
-2 new easles
-1 external heater
-1 air purifier
-numerous toilet cleaner tablets. LOOOL.

It's going to be GREAT.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I'm hoping today's visit to OCAD goes well.
Everyone that has gotten accepted is going to be there, and I might just crap myself to be honest with you.
Every single person sitting in that room will be in the running for your job.
There's 300 "designers" all hoping to create that one billboard that no one ever looks at.
300 students in one room trying to get noticed.

This should be interesting.

Philippines: Best Pavillion 2010.

The design, the elements, the little details.
We did good guys, we did good.
It was honestly so unexpected, but I'm beyond ecstatic to have won!
Chishanelle, we have done it again.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Single Black Female Addicted to Retail.

So. I cannot stop listening to Kanye.
It's actually ridiculous. Maybe it's the time of day?
Maybe it's sporadic? Who knows. I just feel the urge to rap.
..Which is not normal. Not one bit.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

There's a Light.

Every time I have time to think to myself,
the only thing I think about is what's going to happen as August dies down, and everyone marks their leave?
Am I supposed to feel scared? anxious? happy? sad?excited?
All I can think of is saying bye to everyone, and seeing them drive off to what ever future they will be embarking on.

Worst scenario:
Let's say there's 3 friends meet for the last time before they move.
One finally leaves the other two and drives away and the other two just watch.
When she's out of sight, will the other two say "...and then there were two..."

Will "Don't worry, I won't be that far. We'll see each other soon." actually happen?

Oh for fucks sake. I can't do this.
I'm moving and you're all coming with me. I don't care.

wom wom wom.

This is actually a useless post.
I just felt like I haven't posted anything in a while.

So bye. Shower time.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

All's fair in love and war.

So this creamy business has been going on for too too too too too too long.
"....still dripping."
"'s like you'll need a bucket."
"....I'll grab the mop."

If you're thinking the worse, then you're thinking correctly.
This has gone to the point where I had to smack you ferociously with a roll of paper towels and to the point where you laugh so hard your cheeks hurt.
Also to the point where I felt the need to lace your car with a generous helping of whipped creaminess.

Oddly enough, I wouldn't have traded these moments for the world.
Sure, you get a little hurt, I get a little hurt, but we're friends and we're creating memories.
Not just for the two of us, but for the rest of us, the bystanders that did "nothing".

Thanks for the eventful night buddy and the rest of you lovely bitties.
I'm also sorry about the whipped cream, but you know you loved it.

The war is on, and will continue until the very last drop....of cream....ew.

So you think it's okay to call me and think everything is going to be okay?

Well no.
It's not okay, you're not forgiven.
Take a fucking hint.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Um, from Umbridge.

So I just watched Alice in Wonderland and this is what I thought:
1. I love British accents ( I swear this is relevant)
2. The costumes and make-up were phenomenal
3. It didn’t really amuse me until the Queen found Alice/Um
4. I found the Mad Hatter oddly ….att…rac…tiv…………….e……..erks.
5. The ending could’ve done without the Fudderwacking.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It shouldn't be called Glee, it should be called Glay

Because the gay guy is the best part of the show.

Hahaha, people are gonna hate me :(


My girls know what's good.

Monday, April 12, 2010


This is actually hilarious.

You don't know how lovely you are,

You take the time to understand, you take the time to listen.
Countdowns are catching up and I'm beyond excited!
Simple questions evolve into confessions, opinions and plans for the future.
We're on the same page you know?
It feels good to have someone to count on.
You really made my day.
Thank you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


this is fucking bull.


I've just about had it.
I don't care if you won't be there, I don't care if you owe me money.
Stay home, keep your money.
I'm two seconds from being done, and if you don't call within the next two seconds I'm just about over it.
there goes your chance.
I'm not waiting anymore.
How about I live my life, and you trail behind me?
You know, kind of like role play?
Trying living with something holding you back and then we'll see.
Will you break? Will you choke or fall?
Will I even be there to put you back together, help, or pick you up?
Who knows, we'll see.
I might have to pencil you in for that.

Here Comes the Sun,

....and it's here!
The sun is shining, the weather is warm and I had a great night last night.
I slept in and woke up to bacon and muesli for breakfast!
This is going to be a good day :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Calendar Girl

Loving the crap quality.
Calendar making is my favourite hobbie f'sho.

EDIT: there are two 10's in that. Thanks Alan.




Carpe Diem

Seize the Day.
There are so many of you that make it worthwhile.
Thank you, I love you, I owe you.

There are so many things out there that just ruin my day,
and there are so many people that make it better.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Like Eating Glass.

And it hurts all the time when you don't return my calls
And you haven't got the time to remember how it was.

It was Kate Hudson

Today was a good night.
I saw Brothers with a few friends and it alright, nothing spectacular.
I just want you to know that we aren't cling wrap.
We stick together, but we're not permanently attached.
There's room to stretch out and attach to other things.
Don't be upset. No one's going anywhere.

and to you, good luck my friend.
I hope to see you soon.

PS. It was Kate Hudson that was in NINE.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I just named my art submission "Skins".

I can't wait to start anew,
to get rid of this past life and keep nothing but friends and memories.
To forget the useless knowledge I've accumulated
and to replace it with other facts that would be useful and would benefit me.
I can't wait to get out of this "city". This boring suburbia where I find can find my home.
I want to replace it with a place where people often get lost and are afraid to visit.
I want to be able to say that I can find where they want to go.
Sure, shit happens.
You just need to find out how to get to where you want to be.
If you think you can grasp it, then you deserve it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Feeling sad?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bad things happen to good people.

Take care, look up, you'll be okay.

I got new earrings today!

In-Class? Check.

So happy. Now I don't have to listen to people talk to themselves
.....well kinda.
Now I don't have to listen to them talk to themselves for 5 hours straight, I just have to listen to them for an hour and 20 minutes.
But really, who's counting.




To mark the end...

This was a great Easter weekend :)
Even though driving school consumed a lot of it, I honestly enjoyed it a lot !

-Surprised Hong with acceptance
-Movie marathon with Craig and Hong

-Driving school started
-Skins season 2....AGAIN
-Trampoline talks

-Driving school STILL
-Fam jam, (L)
-CLUE CLUE CLUE CLUE CLUE. Green/Poison/Guest room.
-It's the bees knees (L)

-Driving school...STILLLLLLLLLL
-Easter Dinner
-Met new relatives
-"the Lookout"
-Pee run
-Surprise Coffees (L)
-Road blockages

It was a really good weekend,
but I'm actually quite upset that we didn't get to go to church amidst all of this.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Stop trying to get on my nerves.
I'm going somewhere.

Friday, April 2, 2010

So to sum this week up,

There really is a God.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


No words. At. All.