Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I have seen greatness.

...and I want part of it.
OMG. This is beautiful.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The taxi's are in our presence.

This weekend was Nuit Blanche weekend and it was actually so fantabulous.
(Not to mention that it was October 3rd yesterday and it wasn't raining)
To my dear friends Christine, Craig and Melanie, thank-you for joining me in this amazing art experience.
Even if it wasn't Nuit Blanche your company in this big city would've still sufficed. Thank you for the lovely visit.
The night started off shaky. Like, the Streetcar ride was a little packed and awkward but we still made it.
Christine, thank you for making me buy my 5th Jr. Chicken of the week.
Obstacle course fails, hair, marshmallows, marshmallows on your pants, award ceremonies, 18+ events that you couldn't get into because I wasn't allowed in, street music, 3 phrase conversations, other side of the street where it is walkable, parade of anarchists (jokes), OCAD fail, MTV SUCCESS, Dundas Square, St. Mike's fail, Eaton Centre pugs, 24hr McDonald's, Fries on tha floor!, Timmies fail (twice), Metro success, Pineapple cream cheese <3, 8:15 wake-up calls...
My love for you guys is endless, thanks again for sharing this with me.