Sunday, September 13, 2009

Worst Idea: Plastic Cups.

Woo, September show is OVER! End of another FFDT year, 6th to be exact.
It was actually pretty good, got a little injured again, but atleast I wasn't concussion-ized like last year :)
A bunch of other people got hurt too after we rehearsed one of our dances that involve glasses (drinking glasses not reading glasses) and my friend shattered her glass on the floor.
THEN we were forced to use stupid PLASTIC cups by the Living Arts staff.
A bunch of us mished TWICE to Square One to find a bunch of ERK-y looking glasses.
WORST IDEA EVER! Plastic cups DO NOT match up to the weight and feel of glasses.
ANYWAYS, this is how it went down during the REAL show:
About 20 seconds into the part where we put the cups on our head one cup falls off.
Then that just triggered it all: then another, then another.
Mine just kept wobbling about on my head and I went all jelloid neck trying to not make it fall off, and kinda gave in and thought:
if everyone elses fell off then I shouldn't feel bad if mine fell off.
So I let it go.
Then during the other dance with the glasses, I totally screwed that one up because the cups were too tall so I ended up spilling coke ALL over myself, thus, making the floor SLIPPERY so when the intense spinning ending came around my head cup was AGAIN WOBBLING LIKE A MAD PERSON, AS I was tripping on my FOREVER long dress and SLIPPING ON THE POND OF COKE I JUST CREATED AROUND MY SELF. -_-
TRIBAL WASSO FRIKKEN INTENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously love that suite. Babayas was BOSSSSSSSSSSSS.

But anyways, back to the "less stressed but less fun without some of my closest friends" type of days.
From today up until January there will be no Fiesta :(
Kinda sad, but we all really need a HUGEEEEEEEE break, not gonna lie.
Gonna miss seeing everyone, but atleast I'll know what it feels like to have my Sunday afternoons back :)
Those are DEFINITELY going towards portfolio prepping.

I was supposed to work today, and I could've but decided not to ONLY because I'm still in my make-up and hair bun from the night before.
Ew, I know. So I'll be getting on that :)

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